Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome to the Heil Family Healthy Habits Tracker!

Watch us on KSL Channel 5 on Sunday, September 1st at 4pm.  Don't be late, we're on first!!

Hey, everyone this is Tina Heil.  Welcome to our Healthy Habits Tracker!

On Sunday our family will be featured in a segment on KSL called the Healthy Habits Challenge.  Our family will be making some changes to get healthier and we invite you all to share our journey.  Better yet, follow along with your own changes and tell us what you're doing.  Yippee!

I've never blogged before but I thought this might be a good way to have some accountability.  I encourage you to leave lots of comments, suggestions and compliments!  This will help us stay on track.  Wish us lots of luck, this is going to be way out of our comfort zone!!!